Rubric: Final Project Presentation

EMSE 4575: Exploratory Data Analysis, Spring 2021

45 Total Points

Category Excellent Good Needs work
Organization & Formatting 5
All formatting guidelines are followed.
Most formatting guidelines are followed.
3 / 2
Several or all formatting guidelines not followed.
Research Question 5
Research question is clear, focused, concise, complex, and arguable.
Research question is reasonably clear and focused, but may be too simple, too complex, or too verbose.
3 / 2
Research question is unclear and lacks focus; question is far too simple or overly complex.
Data Sources 5
Data sources are clearly described with valid urls or citations used; validity of and concerns about data are discussed; data dictionaries included in appendix.
Some data sources are not clearly described or urls / citations are missnig; validity of and concerns about data are minimally discussed; data dictionaries are in appendix.
3 / 2
Data sources are poorly described or missing; description of validity of and concerns about data are poor or missing; no data dictionaries provided.
Slide Design 15 / 14
Slides are well-designed and well-organized to effectively communicate a coherent story addressing research question.
13 / 12
Slides are largely well-designed and well-organized, but some include distracting or confusing elements; story is not fully coherent.
11 / 10 / 9
Slides are poorly-designed and organized; frequent use of bullets and lots of text; story is poorly developed and / or does not address research question.
Communication 15 / 14
Engaging speaking; all team members participate; research question clearly addressed.
13 / 12
Speaking is somewhat engaging; all team members participate; research question clearly addressed.
11 / 10 / 9
Speaking is not engaging; not all team members participate; research question poorly addressed.