Rubric: Mini Project 3

EMSE 4575: Exploratory Data Analysis, Spring 2021

50 Total Points

Category Excellent Good Needs work
Formatting 5
Followed all formatting guidelines.
Followed most formatting guidelines.
Missing multiple formatting guidelines.
Documentation 5
Original and downloaded data sources clearly described.
Poor description of original and / or downloaded data sources.
Poor / unclear / missing description of either original or downloaded data source
Cleaning 5
All variables have appropriate names and types
Some variables have appropriate names and types
Variables types and names not adjusted
Exploration 10 / 9
Summary measures and charts appropriately used to address all RQs; excellent summary description.
8 / 7 / 6
Measures and charts used to address RQs could be improved; adequate summary description.
5 / 4 / 3
Missing summary measures and / or charts to address RQs; poor summary description.
Research questions 10 / 9
At least 3 RQs are listed and all RQ criteria are met
8 / 7 / 6
At least 3 RQs are listed and at least one criteria is not met
5 / 4 / 3
<3 RQs listed and more than one criteria is not met
Visualizations 10 / 9
Visualizations appropriately chosen, polished, and convey clear message addressing RQs.
8 / 7 / 6
Visualizations are appropriate but could be improved, either on polish or convenying a clear message.
5 / 4 / 3
Poor match between visualization and data types / relationships. Multiple technical or design flaws and no clear message.
Technical things 5
All code runs without errors; all files included in the submitted .zip file.
Code has only one or two error, otherwise runs; all files included in the submitted .zip file.
Code has multiple errors; submitted .zip file is missing components necessary to reproduce analysis.