class: middle, inverse .leftcol30[ <center> <img src="" width=250> </center> ] .rightcol70[ # Week 15: .fancy[Final Presentations] ###
EMSE 4572 / 6572: Exploratory Data Analysis ###
John Paul Helveston ###
December 11, 2024 ] --- class: center, middle # [Air Sciencia: Evaluating Airline Performance]( ## by Sasha Green, Arman Naseh, Jake Anszelowicz, and Amine Louri --- class: center, middle # [Evolving Trends in Cyber Events:<br>Insights from a Decade of Data]( ## by Annie Goodman and Etiene Effiong --- class: center, middle # Changes in the European Energy Market due the Russia-Ukraine War ## by Gavin Ulrich and Byeonghun Kwon --- class: center, middle # Assessing EV accessibility and affordability in the United States ## by Daniel Fisher and Zain Hoda --- class: center, middle # Global Energy Analysis: How do countries achieve economic growth while maintaining low energy intensity? ## by Angel Ho and Easha Rajalaxmi Vivesh --- class: center, middle # Understanding Movie Performance Through Data: Financial Trends, Ratings, and Profitability from TMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ## by Ibrahim Ahmed and Paul Asamoah Boadu --- class: center, middle # Cracking The NCAA Team Rankings Code: The Attributes of the Best NCAA Football Playoff Teams Over a Decade ## by Kyla Rounsoville, Maddie Wilson, and Alana Lee --- class: center, middle # Understanding Traffic Crashes in New York City ## by Ali Irtaza and Tarun Kumanduri --- class: center, middle # [Analyzing Olympic Success: Analyzing the Correlation Between Medal Count and Socioeconomic Factors]( ## by Hannah Hodge, Sandy Alksninis, Jedidiah Bechtel, and Aedan Bayhan --- class: center, middle # [Shark Incidents in California]( ## by Luis Bracho, Diego Farah, and Diego Paredes --- class: center, middle # [Car Bloat in the United States: Do Americans have an obsession with big vehicles?]( ## by Ifeoluwa Olaniyan and Emmanuel Agbeko --- class: center, middle, inverse # 🎉 Awards Ceremony 🎉 --- class: center, middle, inverse # ✨ The Nominees for the **Shiny** Award --- class: center, middle # **Shiny Nominee**: Global Energy Analysis <center> <img src="images/global-energy-analysis.png" width=900> </center> --- class: center, middle # **Shiny Nominee**: Cyber Events <center> <img src="images/cyber-events.png" width=700> </center> --- class: center, middle # **Shiny Nominee**: NYC Trafic Crashes <center> <img src="images/nyc-traffic-crashes.png" width=1100> </center> --- class: center, middle # **Shiny Nominee**: Shark Attacks <center> <img src="images/shark-attacks.png" width=1000> </center> --- class: center, middle, inverse # ✨ The **Shiny** Award goes to...🥁 --- class: center, middle, inverse # 🎉🎉🎉 .leftcol[ ## [Evolving Trends in Cyber Events: Insights from a Decade of Data]( #### by Annie Goodman and Etiene Effiong ] .rightcol[ <center> <img src="images/cyber-events.png" width=100%> </center> ] --- # 🗑️ The Nominees for the **Janitor** award are: -- .cols3[ ### Car Bloat in the United States: Do Americans have an obsession with big vehicles? #### by Ifeoluwa Olaniyan and Emmanuel Agbeko ] -- .cols3[ ### Cracking The NCAA Team Rankings Code: The Attributes of the Best NCAA Football Playoff Teams Over a Decade #### by Kyla Rounsoville, Maddie Wilson, and Alana Lee ] -- .cols3[ ### Assessing EV accessibility and affordability in the United States #### by Daniel Fisher and Zain Hoda ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # 🗑️ The **Janitor** award goes to...🥁 --- class: center, middle, inverse # 🎉🎉🎉 ## Cracking The NCAA Team Rankings Code: The Attributes of the Best NCAA Football Playoff Teams Over a Decade ### by Kyla Rounsoville, Maddie Wilson, and Alana Lee --- class: center, middle, inverse ## Fill out course evals: ### (please be specific!) <center> <img src="" width=600> </center>